We’re entering a new era of Please Read Me and I think it’s important to give you all a refresher on all things about this newsletter! For my new subscribers and those of you who don’t know me, hey, hi, hello! I’m Tess, a writer and freelance social media manager from the Midwest and based in Brooklyn. In a former life, I was a nonprofit fundraiser dying to be more creative in my life, so I launched Please Read Me to nurture that creative side. Ever since I was a kid, I loved to tell a story. Please Read Me is the amalgamation of all those tall tales.
My newsletter comes out twice a week, and covers a looot. I discuss Internet trends, my dating life, reality TV, politics, New York City, and more. I have big dreams for Please Read Me and since you’re a reader, I think you do too.
Tuesdays aka Worthy Distractions day
Starting next Tuesday, December 3rd, my Tuesday posts will be filled with all the worthy distractions of my week. I’ll share the shows I’m watching, the books I’m reading, the blankets I’m snuggling under, the restaurants I’m eating at, the list goes on and on and on. These posts, except the first, will be under a paywall and I’m not even going to apologize for that.
My Thursday posts aren’t changing, yay! They will still be deep dives into my favorite trends, passages of my life, weird things men say to me on dates, and more. If you’re new here and you would like a quick guide to all things Tess, these are a few of my favorite essays to date:
Nice messages about Please Read Me
And lastly, if you’ve somehow found yourself here accidentally and need to be convinced to read my newsletter, here are some kind words my dear Readers have shared with me.
And one from my dad for good measure.